A „Intercultural Citizenship Education for Youth Workers working in Euro-Med Area” projekt május 1-tól 7-ig lesz a törökországi Izmirben.
Helyszín: Izmir, Törökország.
3 helyre lehet jelentkezni 18-től 60 éves korig.
A projekt leírása angol nyelven:
Intercultural citizenship education is a tool for living together and acting within a diverse world and within a region as diverse as the Euro-Mediterranean area. Learning to live and act together is a precious resource for our everyday lives within family, school, and community. It helps to reduce tensions due to ethnic, religious, linguistic and social disparities and enhances the awareness of and respect for human rights and the responsibilities, which are at the basis of local, national and global citizenship.
Therefore, increasing the youth workers, leaders and trainers competence to promote the intercultural citizenship education in Europe and Mediterranean region is highly needed due to recent events in EU such as increased refugee and migrant population in EU, hate speech towards to minorities and migrants; Brexit etc. The project proposal aims to
strengthen the competences of youth workers and youth leaders to promote the diversity through out promoting Intercultural Citizenship Education in Euro-Med Area.
The project objectives specifically are;
- To reach a shared understanding of the meaning of terms such as citizenship, intercultural competences among youth
workers - To able to identify and develop learning methods that promote diversity which encourage intercultural citizenship
practices - To be able of exchange information and break stereotypes about people with different cultural background
- To make the youth workers able to develop new educational programs according to the needs of their target groups
in local areas - To create new partnerships and develop new educational programs to be implemented in Euro-Med Area in youth
Feltétel:az útiköltséget minden résztvevőnek meg kell előlegeznie, amit a program után 275 euro összegig visszatérítenek.
A szállást és étkezést a szervezők biztosítják!
Jelentkezési határidő március 1!
Jelentkezni mindkét projekt esetében 5-6 mondatos motivációs levél lehet és további információ az email címen valamint László Miklósnál a 0620-2798694-es telefonszámon. Pécsváradi és környékbeli jelentkezők előnyben részesülnek!