Future? We need the KEY! We are going to look for the right keys for our future. Youth exchange will be dedicated to skills, talent young people aged 14-17 from 5 countries – Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic, Lithuania, who want to know more. We want to reach out to young people who have no experience of youth exchanges and want to be active, want to learn something, we want to create a space where they can develop their skills, get new information and shape their attitudes through games, experiences and their own initiative. The project is open to young people with fewer opportunities, respectively are coming from a disadvantaged environment. Through the project, we want to show young people how they have the opportunity, through mobility, training, to increase their competencies, to show them what do the key competences mean. Allow them through experience and games to improve their ability to respond to social changes and demands, improve their functioning and access to a knowledge-based society, access to active civil society.
Feltétel:15 euro részvételi díj, valamint az útiköltséget minden résztvevőnek meg kell előlegeznie, amit a program után 170 euro összegig visszatérítenek.
A szállást és étkezést a szervezők biztosítják!
Jelentkezési határidő június 25!
Jelentkezni 5-6 mondatos motivációs levél lehet és további információ az [email protected] email címen valamint László Miklósnál a 0620-2798694-es telefonszámon. Pécsváradi és környékbeli jelentkezők előnyben részesülnek!